
We need to make a landing page about the project on


  • there should be a slider with the presentation of the project
  • there should be a block describing system parts (aurora, maydone, act, sangha).
  • there should be a block with the benefits of the project (profit)
  • a block with prerequisites for project creation (problems).
  • a block describing the team
  • block with contact information.


  • Website

Parent Idea

No Parent


  • Sergey Pak
  • Medet Ahmetson


  • Landing website

It's begun and will be released on the 21st of June, 2024! Maydone: Ara Landing Page Proposal
Development: ACT of Landing Page

Pak changed the title to ARA.ACT: task: make Landing page for project .
4 days later
ahmetson changed the title to We need main website for the Ara .
ahmetson referenced this discussion from [unknown discussion] #17
ahmetson changed the title to Ara Landing Page Idea .
ahmetson referenced this discussion from [unknown discussion] #18